fiction series
The Swedish princess Ingigerd is betrothed to the Norwegian prince Olaf, with whom she is in love. But despite his daughter's love, the father-king suddenly decides to send her to the distant country of Gårdarike (Rus) to marry Knyaz Yarisleif (Yaroslav), in order to strengthen international ties. And Olaf marries her younger sister, Astrid.
Kænugarður (Kyiv), the capital of Gårdarike, is not at all similar to Swedish cities, and it attracts the princess. Ingigerd trembles in anticipation of meeting the Knyaz, the great warrior Yarisleif. But a man that comes out to meet her is haggard, halt, not even slightly heroic in his appearance. She will have to live with him. Ingigerd meekly accepts baptism and her new name, Oryna, and marries the Knyaz Yaroslav of Kyiv.
Two of his sisters unite against the sister-in-law, but the third one, Dobronega, befriends her. And from her Ingigerd learns about the secrets of the family and that Yaroslav's own brother was murdered by her grandmother Sigrid who burned all the kings who wanted to marry her. A fellow Viking opens Oryna's eyes to her husband's dark past and kidnaps her for blackmail.
Yaroslav saves Oryna, and she falls in love with him. Since then, Ingigerd begins to use family intrigues in the interests of her husband and builds international ties with the help of marriages. First, she marries Yaroslav's sisters, then, her daughters, to foreign kings. Disgraced princes gather in Kyiv because marrying Yaroslav's daughter becomes a lucky sign of a quick acquisition of the throne.
Meanwhile, the dethroned Norwegian king Olaf arrives in Kyiv and awakens in her memories of former feelings. Olaf's brother Harald the Bold claims the hand of Oryna and Yaroslav's middle daughter, and English Prince Edward wishes to marry the youngest one. Yaroslav launches an assault on Byzantium to marry his son. Ingigerd becomes the mother-in-law of all of Europe and conducts the international policy of Kyivan Rus, turning it into one of the most powerful states in Europe.
Only the youngest daughter Anna is unlucky in matchmaking. Suddenly, a delegation of the King of France arrives in Kyiv.
DMYTRO KAPRANOV, scriptwriter

Dmytro Kapranov was born in Dubăsari in 1967.
1998-2021 – producer of the Open Night Film Festival.
1999 – theatre director (Women’s Territory (Територія жінки) and Love Potion (Приворотне зілля))
2001 – founder of the Green Dog publishing house.
Dmytro and his brother wrote popular historical (Painted History of the Independence of Ukraine (Мальована історія Незалежності України), The History of Europe, Ukrainian Perspective (Історія Європи, український погляд)) and fictional books (Kobzar 2000 (Кобзар 2000), Love Potion (Приворотне зілля), Size Matters (Розмір має значення), Star Uncle (Зоряний вуйко), My Secretary’s Diaries (Щоденник моєї секретарки), Forget-River (Забудь-річка), The Case of the Grey-Haired (Справа Сивого), Paper Soldiers (Паперові солдати), Ruta (Рута)).
From 2019 – co-author and host of a YouTube channel about the history of Ukraine, Named after T.H. Shevchenko (імені Т.Г. Шевченка).
13th of January (13 січня) – feature film (FRESH Production).
Doctor Haffkine’s Odyssey (Одіссея доктора Хавкіна) – historical adventure film (four episodes, Star Media).
Grandpa Sclerosis (Дід Склероз) – feature film, New Year comedy (LLC Dzherela M).
McFly (МакМуха) – historical fantasy film (FRESH Production).

In 2003, she graduated from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Journalism (Audiovisual Art) with honors.
Since 2005, she has been a co-founder and art director of the Final Cut Media production centre, and a creative producer of various TV projects: High Life (Світське життя), The Night of Premiers (Вечір прем’єр), New Year Carnival (Новорічний карнавал), The Rich Cry, Too (Багаті теж плачуть), The King of Desserts (Король десертів), How to Become a Supermodel (Як стати супермоделлю).
2014 – author and director of a documentary, A Year Through the Eyes of TSN (Рік очима ТСН), about the work of journalists during Euromaidan, the annexation of Crimea and the beginning of the war in Donbas.
2017 – co-founder of F Films, a Ukrainian production company, and creative producer of the SWINGERS comedy film.
2019 – creative producer of SWINGERS 2.
2022 – creative producer of a romantic comedy, THE NEIGHBOR (СУСІДКА).
2022 – creative producer of the Marrying a Millionaire (Заміж за мільйонера) series (in production),
member of Children Kinofest.